«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: gah.. becoming more of a girL =/

Thursday, January 12, 2006

gah.. becoming more of a girL =/

well besides the fact that i am one.. ...but that ain't the point.

Was in the glen today with sis and mum about some back account thing. Then i remembered it was tracey's birthday really soon so i thought i should go and look for something. GAS was the closest shop at the time and i walked in. They had this table full of stuff near the entrance i was scanning for stuff for about ten seconds of what she might like and it wasn't until i went to pick up a pair of earrings i realised it was a GIRLY STORE! argh.. shock of surprise coz i was so slow -_-' ran out..

I would never willingly go into a store like that.. eek.. *shudders* only at the start of this year, walking past it make me want to puke but i walked IN it!! argh... i've become immuned to this stuff ...

on the side>> today went to library to find english articles.. bleh it's been ages and there is nuffin on the net. Turns out many other people were also at the library and i actually did constructive stuff and didn't chat much =] v. happy.. i got all the articles i needed. although most of the are in the month of December and the Herald Sun.. bleh..so much for variety.

people i saw today at library..odd bunch >> andrew, jon, stephen kimber?? well it's been a while.. dammit why does everyone have to be taller than me =[ .. grace, another grace, alvin, winnie, indi..bwahaha..her phone went off and it was REALLy loud. ermz.. angie and her friends.


Anonymous Anonymous said...



ye sandroid wateva - u say u accidentally went in there SUre and hey, its okaY! sometimes likeing flowery things is normal *looks around suspicously*

okay then maybe not but...

actually i dunno wat to say to that.


8:27 PM  

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