«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: baibaiz french horn

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

baibaiz french horn

well it's only for two weeks..but that's AGES! i hope i can still remember how ta play by the end of it. Yep, finally decided to spend my xmas money on getting horn serviced and cleaned.. haha. Geez, parents paid for it for my last last last years b'day present and maybe many birthdays to come =[ So i have to pay for it this time.

Gah..it's a little expensive though...costing me approx. $90. -_-' guess i won't be gettin a phone.

wat would you do if you were given $100?

put it in my wallet till i find sumfin to buy - jason
keep it so i can buy more food - yan
clothes, games, computer parts..or just food ? - kevin
put it in bank - helen
food & clothes - sister's friend
say thank you if it was her friend, or f**k off if it was a random - kathleen
save it - some random person on msn
buy xmen the ultimate guide, spend it on dvds, movies - Monica (sis)

[what would you do]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

shopping spree @ cotton on!!

sara says: saving it and invest in something...lyk computer games!

5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$100? Put it in my wallet for about 6 months, realise I have nothing to do with it, and put it in the bank.
This is basically what happens with all my pocket money and B'day/Christmas money. ^.^

7:43 PM  

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