«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: Mini Vacation // Lakes Entrance

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Mini Vacation // Lakes Entrance

Okay okay..so I did end up going somewhere this holiday.. to lake entrance. I really thought it was last year when I went but turns out it was two years ago. Sheesh..time flies.

So it’s the same bunch of kids again.. angel’s family and friends and me, sis, and cousin. Firstly was the looooong drive. I got so bored I started screaming jibberish hoping I would lose my voice. Nope never happened..but I did manage to drive everyone crazy! =]

Angel owned a pair of walkie talkies so I guess that made the trip more enjoyable. LoL.. I never knew it changed hands, I thought it was William on the line the whole way. Then eh? Who’s this new voice.

Planned to go fishing and horse riding.. both never happened. Instead during our two days of stay we wish to visit the “Royal Cave” in Buchan I think that’s how ya spell it. Very nice pretty stalactite and stalagmite..and there was some ancient prehistoric Kangaroo skeleton buried amongst the boulders. The other thing we did was searching for crabs and throwing rocks at them and… KFC for dinner and.. lots and lots of plastic instant noodles.

We stayed the night at a school but it seriously looked more like a hospital than a boarding school. Even the toilet had a button next to it which said “Please ring for nurse” what the??

But the most memorable moment for all of us would be when we got locked out of our little room/cabin thingo. It was about 12.30AM and the kids where still having pillow fights while the parents/drivers were sleeping. Angel spotted a table tennis table so we all left for it. And closed the door behind us. DARN! No bed to sleep in tonight.. hmm I meant today.. lol.. 12.40am?? Woke up parent and they said the key was in OUR room and there is only one copy.. =/ eKK!! Whadda.. turns out she tricked us.. lol..that gave us all a good scare.

On the way home.. we all realised we are extra tanned and sunburnt.. and I somehow managed to get stuck in my seatbelt.. man that was embarrassing. Somehow I twisted and turned to find a comfortable sleeping position and ended getting jammed. Took a while 10 mins or so to get out. -_-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow sounds nice - ur making my new home sound better! thankz sandroid ^^

but otherwise



nj :)

8:33 PM  

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