«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: movie movie movie

Monday, December 26, 2005

movie movie movie

wellz..yer..that's what's on my mind at the moment.. i wanna watch all these movies over the holiday.. hehe.. today i watched Narnia: The Lion the witch and the wardrobe and it was GOOD! haha.. i really liked the books so i thought the movie couldn't be that bad. turns out it was great.. GO THE FRENCH HORN SOLOS (in the music scores)!! .. hehe.. *sinks into seat* yep.. Vmax is the way to go..

so what else did i do today? went out and bought amelie =/ need it for media next year.. anyone got being john malkcovich (i think that's how ya spell it) ?? coz i need that one too.. if ya do. greatly appreciated.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw Narnia today. I thought it was OK... but I was never into the books.
Amelie huh... go the French! We had to watch it in year 9 I think. It's a little weird but kinda cool. :)

11:25 PM  

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