«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: NEW YEAR!!

Sunday, January 01, 2006


wah?!!.. that was really quick.. woah.. i actually managed to go through year 11. Darn.. year 12 is goina be even faster. No time to think *sigh*.. well wellz.. at least there is a massive holiday now.. but ack..only one month left =/


oh year forgot to mention i did do something new in the holidays. I went archery(ing).. if that makes sense. wo0T! out of the five kids playing i came second.. and SHOT THE REINDEER in the heart!! bullseye!! haha... (it was a picture a fair distance away =P)

Things i still have to do:

>> house visiting.. been to 3/7 so far.. hahhaa.. i freaked you out melissa didn't i?? lol.. just
rocked up at her house and ran into all the rooms lol
>> start and finish lisa's comic of: Adventures of Lisah and the Tincan Man
>> Watch heaps more movies
>> *eek* do holiday hw
>> sit ups everyday. blah.. not likely. lol


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