«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: the night before Xmas..

Saturday, December 24, 2005

the night before Xmas..

and what did i do?? what have i accomplished over this year?? hmmz..

today had breakfast at 8am in glen with work pplz -__-' gah i had to go coz a few weeks ago i said i would also be involved in the kris kingle.. crap..they never mentioned the EARLY breakfast >< so yer.. had to wake up and start walking all the way up to the glen at 7.45am ish. man..it's so dead then.. even the birds were quiet. ahh wellz.. that meant quality quiet time..hehe

9-6pm work. ARGH! long hours. i will never take sitting down for granted every againz.

hmm...not suppose ta tell but all the cards are goina go down to half price on monday..and all the calenders.. yep ALL.. so including the $30 ones.. are all goina be EIGHT BUCKS!.. hehe.. i reserved mine =]

blinkie bill is on tv..awesome.. that should was so great back in those days.. lol. i'm so old. nearly 17 and haven't got my L's yet.. ARGH.. i wanna drive to places.. but i wanna take motobike..but Noooo..parents forbid it -_-'

hmm..should i stay up to open xmas prezzies?? lol.. actually got a few.. but that's besides the point.. xMAS is aLL bout CHRIST.. as ya can probably guess from the word Christmas. xmas is short for christmas..and noo..the 'X' has nuffin to do with Xmen but instead in Greek it stand for Christ. it's Jesus Christ's birthday!!

..oh..and happy birthday to you kevin.. lol. =P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Psh, the calenders ALWAYS go on sale. My dad like, disapproves if anyone buys one for full price because you can get it so much cheaper afterwards. ^.^

11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha i think u'd look pretty damn cool ona motorbike, one day, one day.

yes it is christs bday...but most ppl are init for the prezzies. dooodododo

merry christmas


8:37 PM  

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