«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: ARCK! GAh! Little kids

Monday, January 09, 2006

ARCK! GAh! Little kids

The visitors have just left. Mum’s boss and family and workers at her child care place all came over. I just planned to lock meself up in room and do homework lol.. it’s probably the only time I can do stuff. But ARGH! The kids.. were so annoying.

Well at first they looked all innocent and harmless..and when i put a dvd on for them to watch the older kid (grade 3) stayed still. But the kinder kids were nuts. They went on the trampoline and me watching them thru the window while i was washing the dishes wasn't so great. No one bothered to go there and supervise them. and the kid fell off. Bum first hitting the ground and his head against the fence. OUCH! ..

Later they had to barge into my room and grab stuff. -_-' didn't want them in there so they grabbed the narnia happy meal toys i got and played with them. was hoping to one day sell them in the future to some narnia crazy fan for lots of money but AGH! now all 8 books and toys are pretty much shredded *sigh*

At least i calmed the boys down by switching on the playstation and as for the other girl over. I got her to sit down and draw. aww..i wish she gave me that portrait she drew of me. Kid drawings are awesome. Hmm.. HAHAhahah she drew someone with three eyes..that was kinda funny.

At least this evening was to celebrate the kindness of my mum's work members and her recovery.. well she is heaps better than b4 =]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

o.O How often do you go to Maccas? :P
I know about not being able to concentrete on school work. :(

10:30 PM  

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