«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: DARN YOU MR TIME

Saturday, January 07, 2006


gah..only so little days left of the holidays.. i can't believe it's happening.. my mind is too premature for this..the workload for year 12.. YEAR 12!! arghh.. someone give me a potion that will turn me into a nerd or something..i'm definately not going to concerntrate.

anyways.. still wanna do something exciting b4 holiday is over. wat i had planned was bum around as much as possible and that was achieved and draw something everyday. err..well that kinda stopped last month. House visiting was good.. only 3 more to visit.. volunteer pplz!

managed to get out of house for a while: lake entrance that was good.
earn cash? well i did that..working at the calender stand. thank you for visiting pplz.. it would be so boring otherwise. Discovered something odd.. i can only seem to study at work ..hhaaha..studying.yer i know yuukkk..but since i am stand and have nuffin else to do, i open up my english novels. Romulus my father isn't half bad, i guess i like pplz stories and that dog novel thing is okay..wow what an amazing memory that chris kid has. Better still.. since while i am working is the only time i'm studying.. i'm getting PAID! to stand and study! hahhaah..

hmm.. must thing of something spectacular ta do b4 time runs out.. suggestions??

i miss frank (me french horn that is.. somehow instruments were given names during music camp) it's being serviced and hmm this is what.. the 4th day??


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