«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: fed up// weird little kids

Saturday, December 17, 2005

fed up// weird little kids

standing in the glen for ages.. seeing the same people walk past for hours and hours is sooo boring.. -_-' how can they spend five hours shopping? it's ridulous. anyways.. yer..today i was working and the most interesting moments would be when the little kids talk to you.

It's funny, asian kids don't talk at all yet the westerns blabber all they want.. (in a good way of course..and the parents encourage it) where as azn parents say "shh, i'm buying cards don't do anything" Hmm..weird.. we are so different..

Little kid 1: hi, do you have the papers where each day you can tear it open and see something inside them?
me: ermz.. advent calenders are there,.
little kid 1: oh.. we made them at school.. what's your name?

Little kid 2: i can poke holes in the wrapping paper
me: .. (haaahahha.)
kid 2: did they offer you a job here?
me: yes
kid 2: are you a mum?
me: *to myself.. WHAT THE? what DO I LOOK LIKE TO YOU?* [to her] .. hehe.. noo
kid 2: are you a sister?
me: yes
kid 2: me too.. what is your name??

anyways.. i'm off.. better practice band music eekk.. i'm relying on my section to block out all my mistakes. but ...gah.. there is only two of us.. soz jasmine.. i will get my harmony parts right >.<


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rofl...kids...wierd little ones. Hard to think that everyone was once a kid. I think I was definately one of the silent ones, walking around...staring at the endless void of people walking by as they shop...bored brainless no doubt...guh...the roast chicken has gone to meh head...must stop mehself from typing nemore stuffz

10:19 PM  

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