«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: My first day of work..

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

My first day of work..

hahah..wat a boring blog title. Neways, yesterday was my first day of work and i must say i was rather surprised i got the job anyway. Rachael the other day wanted to hand her resume in to some store i tagged along and i just happened to have a few of my resumes left in my bag so yer.. gave that in. If it wasn't for her i probably won't even have got the job haha.. Feel so guilty she didn't get it too ><

So the store is Best Wishes in the glen and i'm just on their card outpost.. you know those things where they pile all their stock on tables in the middle of the walk ways in the glen. The shop sells all these random objects, xmas decorations at the moment..and cards. mainly cards.. hhahaha.. kinda funny for me since i've been making quite a number of cards lately.

Anywayz.. first day of work 9am - 5.30pm.. woah.. long day.. Wish they hadn't put me on the cash register the first day.. first customer..oh hi there.. you would like to purchase that gift wrap.. yadayada.. *click click* and then the register goes crazy and starts beeping >_< manager downstairs had to come up and see why it wasn't responding.. blah..turns out i ripped the receipt too agressively and the whole paper roll thing was jammed.. bleh.great...

Saw a few pplz i knew roaming around.. year 12s, nat, monica, jas, kirstyn, akki, etc etc. Also happened to see sarah this girl who went along to the village roadshow group interview.. haha..we both didn't get the job =.=' i would have really prefered working at the cinemas but ahh wellz..

hmm this blog is getting to long.. kk..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

:O Sandra got a job! Congrats ^.^

9:37 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...


9:56 PM  

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