«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: BAPTISED!!

Monday, November 28, 2005


Yep…I got baptised on the 27th of November and I know it will be the best day out of my whole entire life. If you don’t really know why.. well then.. I’m Christian..*nods* and it’s where I publicly confess that yes I am a sinner and do these wrong things but I accept that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins..for ME!! So I’m SAVED!! Gahh..so awesome.. 19 other people also realised this same truth and where baptised ..it was truly amazing to see how God changes even the most stubbornest people.

Nervous on the day though.. coz gah.. getting dunked! Where ya have to go into the water and all. And what made it worse was that I arrived late.. >.< the service already started and I was so lost..had no idea of where I was meant to be. Thank God He placed Adam in the foyer so I could ask what was going on hahaha.. My friends Amy, Ivy, Becky and Adam where also there with me.. wahhh!! On a HIGH! Heheh

As people shared their stories/testimonies I was just filled with tears.. *sob sob.. yes I looked stupid but wahh.. so happy for them all. Heheh..you guys are so inspiring and encouraging!! So glad I’m part of God’s family.. so lost if I wasn’t…

For all you pplz reading this thinking what the? Don’t worry.. ya will understand it one day.. coz I’m praying for you guys!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thankz. but i dun beleive in god :]


8:43 PM  

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