«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: i specifically told you NOT to open MY LETTERS!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

i specifically told you NOT to open MY LETTERS!

okay.. so ya all know i hate computers ..and when ever i check any of my results on the computer they end up dodgy.. bleh.. it's TRUE!!.. (don't look at me like that) =P

so i've waiting for the vce letter to come in our mail. Told my parents a night before not to open anything with my name on it.. geez..they should know that by now.. gah.. and what do i get? i come home from work.. (yeh! i got job.. lol) and first thing grandma says:

"Dad told me not to tell you that he accidently opened your letter. He said he opened it and then realised it was not for him but you. So he told me to be a witness to tell you that he didn't open it."

GEEZ!! great work dad. *sigh* .. i would have figured it out anyways.. the evelope was torn open and patched back up with masking tape -_-'

oh..gat marks came with letter too.. (General Achievement Test that is).. YES! all above average.. hehhe.. i feel smart..lol.. i was sO bored during that 3hour exam i just started to randomly circle answers. -_-

and if ya wonder chinese: 32 >.< i seriously thought i would get soo much worse .. SO YIPPE lol


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didnt you get 31???

Your becoming forgetful young one...or I'm going nuts..either way Gratz on the 30 somethink score :D

7:03 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

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7:11 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

oh yer.. THIRTY ONE.. hahah.. i am forgetful

7:11 PM  

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