«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: surprise vanessa!

Friday, December 02, 2005

surprise vanessa!

hmm.. yes today was very last minute.. i though we were all meeting at the glen to have lunch and say baibaiz to vanessa who's leaving to malaysia on sunday..but noo.. no one told me it was her surprise b'day party...gah.. so last minute prezzie buying.. hahah.. thankfully it's so easy to get girls gifts.. anything sparkly, jewellery, hair ties? dunnoz. but they mostly like watever..

Walked over to her house and SURPRISE! hehe.. looks like she just got up.. hahaha.. Grr.. Kiff (her dog) so scary.. growls and grumbles at us all.. wellz..except michelle =P Ahahah..jenny's first time going over to her house and she was so freaked out by the dog ..hehe..

watched monster-in-law and ate bbq shapes.. wellz.. looking back on the moment the eight of us just watched the movie..jenny tipped over half the biscuits and i had the whole box XD oops

walked to La Porchetta (think that's how ya spell it- ah wellz ya know what i mean) man. it wouldn't stop raining -_- coldd.. okay.. order pizza and pasta and ate yimay's cake..yummm...

walked home and now infront of comp gah.. better get off..



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