«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: shh!! hidE!!!.. argh.. SURPRISE ANGEL!! =D

Monday, December 05, 2005

shh!! hidE!!!.. argh.. SURPRISE ANGEL!! =D

hehe..today was angel's surPrise b'day early party.. wo0T! ..another party lol.. i wanted ta throw her a party since she never has one..but vidz already came up with the idea.. awesome.. i'm v. unorganised neways. So.. i tricked her into thinking that we had to go to tuition to write some essay.. ahhaha.. she FELL FOR IT!! Gah.. then i said i was starving.. [wellz i was. I had to wake up early today and only had one slice of bread for breakfast..not my usual four =.=] so i begged to go to maccas.. guess that was foolproof coz i'm always hungry and everytime we go home past maccas i want something to eat lol..

we entered and hm..the place looks empty.dammit..where is everyone?? then i see tracy's head pop out of the party room.. AWESOME! they booked the party room hahhaha.. so i said.. "ermz..yer i need ta go to the toilet".. gah..then she followed me lol.. she thought i got lost XD
"ermz.. the toilet is that way" .. gave up and just grabbed her arm and dragged her in the room lol.. no idea what she was thinking..

S U R P R I S E !

wow...a no. of pplz actually showed up.. cool.. quyen, grace, jenny, james, andy, peter, alvin, winnie, tracy, vicky, michelle, kirstyn, vincent, larry, vidhya ermz.,.hopefully i didn't leave out anyone.. ack. but turns out she wasn't suspecting anything.. hehe.. and yer.. we didn't book the room but just took it anyways...along with the freebies it contained.. lol.. VICKY! grabbing all the stuff she could see. hahhaa.. wonder how many party bags we took.. hmm.. i managed to grab a colourful ruler lol.. Aww.. vincent came even though he had to leave to go to hong kong this very day.. hmm maybe a few hours later..he seemed to be in a rush to leave.. maybe he missed the PLANE!! all because of angel..aww.. hahah.. some random b'day card..homemade and had no name on it..hhmm wonder who gave that to her??

NOOO!! i lost cheeseburger eating competition.. >.< down =".=">


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