«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: matt, jonah, nick ...*faints*

Saturday, December 10, 2005

matt, jonah, nick ...*faints*

hmm..yesterday 9th friday was very last minute. over msn organised to watch a movie with someone i hadn't seen in a year. Old primary school peoples.. it's been ages since i've seen you guys... almost a decade of not talking to ya...worst bit was that i never got to say goodbye.. gah.. stupid parents and waking me up in the middle of the night to move houses to glen waverley.. *sob*

I didn't expect nick to show up but he did! wahh.. awesome!! It's been literally eight years since i've seen his face.. haha.. you look the SAME!! haha. So..movie: Domino.. trailer looked alright. Hmm..but i never knew it was MA.. so we needed ID.. bleh.. nick forgot ID.. hahha. .so no movie. lol..apparently his school doesn't issue id cards ah wellz.. Previous movies according to Matt he brought his passport along.. HAHAHAH.. and even his birth certificate once.. man..you guys are so funny..

Caught bus to Knox and bummed around there for an hour before visiting their friend's house..and bumming around there for another hour or so.. yeah! housevisiting!! that's two this holidays.. hmm.. dunno why i'm so facinated bout houses.. Maybe because they all consist of the same elements ie. kitchen, bathroom, table, chairs, carpet...but they are all arranged in different ways. .it's sooo interesting.. hmmm.. i didn't know this person at all..and i just show up at his house >.<

jonah came along later...and then walked back to shopping centre ..waH!! they like shopping.. soo weird.. i tagged along anyways..lol..i would have never had entered the shop if it was with me friends normally..but gah.. eight years of not seein this people how could i not? hahah.. shopping...wif me guy friends..haha.. that's so weird for me.

Lunch then baibaiz =[ it was a good day movie or no movie =]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops! Haven't read your blog in ages. ^.^ Meeting old friends is cool. :)

9:17 AM  

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