«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: *hugs telephone*

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

*hugs telephone*

i must say i'm very anti technology and all.. wellz.. it's not ME! it's the stupid computers ...gah..they just don't like me.. blah.. i don't think i've actually gone through one inf lesson without stuffing something up..

anyways.. i think the best invention is the telephone..it's good good good!! ya hear pplz talk wellz..it's the next best thing to seeing them i guess (coz obviously that's better) but yer.. telephones good.. overseas and all..and you get instant replys unlike emails.

hmm.. neways.. speaking of telephones got a few coming in today. Most were for mum.. she's getting better nowz.. walking around more often and cooking..hehe.. gah.. eating my one cooking was torture.. never putting cheese into anything ever againz.

oh yer.. i'm gettin distracted.. telephones... Got call from jenny.. went to the glen to buy angel a phone cover.. early bday prezzie. gah.. 27 degrees and uphill is nuts =/ once we got to the phone place i couldnt' remember what her phone looked like.. *sigh.. walked all the way back to her place to ask if i can borrow her mobile..hahhaHAHA.. made up lame excuse "say Angel can i borrow all the mobiles you have lying around the house. I gotta draw them for VCD" hehehe..i think she bought it.

got call later from school..eek.. thought it was some kind of detention for skipping the enormous amounts of band or something.. turns out some office lady asked if i was attending presentation night. gah.. my answer "yes.. i have band anyways" her answer.." good because you got an award" WAH!! MEE!! AWARD!! coolies got all excited because my grades are soo crap..hahah.. i asked what was it for and she said "production band" blah.. all excitment was lost.. an award for attending the production basically. and i never actually played the right notes for any of it *sob*

an hour later.. same lady calls.. bleh.. wat now?
"oh i have the feeling i've already called you"
"yes you have"
"just to let you know you received another award"
"what's this one for?"

AWESOME!! hahahah.. not really academic but who cares sounds good.. hehe..


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