«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: year 12! wah.. final year.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

year 12! wah.. final year.

alright.. so what are the things that i have noticed?

Red jumpers are definately the most evident difference. Wah! mine is still being ordered.

Alrighty, most of my classes are great.. it would have all been great if i didn't have to be moved out of my methods class and into the new teacher class. GAh! ms. fraser.. why are you so lazy and want to shift the period 8 class methods to monday. -_-' timetable clash.

Next thing: the YEAR 11s ARE SO SMART! grr.. three of them are in my new methods class now. One guy called edmund finished all his work i think and he got an A+ for his Application mark last year!! A++!!!! Far OUT!. That is really InSanE. If you can't remember what applications was all about well it was that really long dumb methods test that everyone hated.. it was the one about the volume of a cone or was it cylinder.. anyways..it was the cow test. with the cow maze at the back.. annoying! and that edmund aussie dude doesn't even go to tuition. gahh makes all of us look extremely stupid.

the other thing.. i don't know what is the fastest route from the senior centre back to our bay 4 locker bay...bwhahah.. is it going down the stairs or going past the middle skool lockers?? *shrugs* I GOT TOP LOCKER! =P yeh!! hehehe. no sorry jacqui even with your offer of paying me for my locker.. nope.. no swap.

Many people are in two of my classes.

There was lion dancing today!! very loud.. i think i walked too close to the firecrackers.. they were so bright! hahaha


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