«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: hahah..chinese new year =]

Thursday, January 26, 2006

hahah..chinese new year =]

The one thing on all chinese kid's mind would be the new year.. it falls on a different date coz of the lunar calender and all.

It's funny everytime someone around them would mention new year i can see dollar signs in their eyes.. their light up, lips break into a grin, eyes goes squinty sometimes on others they look like lines..and they giggle/laugh..

well yesterday ..dinner with the church at 'king whale' resturant at springvale. bleh.. everyone came so late.. 1.5 hours late. So, sis and i went to most tables eating their prawn crackers =]

it was also a karaoke night and wahh.. we suck.hahhaha. There were two little kids.. so brave!! they sang some song all by themself and tthey were really good.! wah.. 7 year olds that knew fluent mandarin.. amazing. ..puts us to shame -_-'

food was good.. i CANT USE CHOPSTICKS!.. bleh. rice went everywhere.. so clumsy. =/ For only twenty dollars a head it was alright... although the rice was very grainy.. speaking of rice...gah.. maybe i should give up my food title.. i can't eat as much as i used to . *sigh* or as fast.. noo.. that cheeseburger comp with quyen.. it will haunt me ..hahaa.. yer..first time someone on my table had more rice than me .... 7/8 bowls! wahh..amazing.. ' four is enough for me.

oh yer.. forgot to mention that we were served by a guy called PETER PAN! hahaha.. yep that was his real name.. .yer. he was some azn guy..ahahha

was really late when we left.. stupid mosquitoes x_x


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