«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: It’s OVER! Dammit

Monday, January 30, 2006

It’s OVER! Dammit

There was so much to have had been done during these extra long 2 month holiday was it? Besides from the stack of holiday homework and year 11 revision to be completed you had to enjoy the break!! To the FULLEST!! .. won’t be having another break this big in six-seven months or so.

For the first time ever, I actually wasn’t bored on my holidays and did stuff. Most of my imaginary list of events to do where done =] They were:

1 .Go house visiting (7 houses) well.. I went to five ..yep Melissa’s is still the best.. and I guess going to two new restaurants makes up for the other two

2. Experience something new: wo0T archery!! Fun stuff… I like my bow and arrow hahaa

3. Go to the beach.. yeah! Lake’s entrance and Chelsea.. both have cheap stuff and nice shops too hehe..

4.Draw something everyday: well mostly done, mostly scribbles

5.Find a comic book store: That was a little far stretched …didn’t seriously think that there would be a whole entire store decated to good ol’ marvel and dc comics.. but they! Went to city.. and thought might as well ask information bout it since we were passing it. Lady had no idea, looked in yellow pages and bingo! Found it =] right next to JB too. Hehe.. just where we were heading

6.Visit an art gallery: wah! They paintings are soo good!!! Amazing.. visited hmm.. 4-5 that day?? Martin Grant on was really good. Those jacket designs were awesome. They were suspended by a thin wire and from a distance it looked like the jackets were floating in mid-air.

7.Read something other than school books: haha. I read Garfield’s guide to everything! Really good book.. in there I learnt that the Japanese word ‘karoshi’ means ‘death by overwork’ .. well we will be definitely experiencing that in year 12 =_=’ haha..another quote I thought sounded funny was his comments about show business, “If William Hung can do it, anyone can” hahahaHAHaahAH

8.Get a job: well yep did get a job ..earned over a thousand dollars over the six weeks ..hehe it was quite an easy job too…just selling calendars.. woah.. imagine the income I would get if I go to uni and study something and get a career… big bucks!! Hahaha..

9.Write a comic: Adventure of Lisah and the tincanman. AGH.. still on that.. >.< must finish that today lol...last day of holiday.

10.Cut hair funny: well..it’s rather long at the front and short at the back.. never got around to the hairdressers for appointment. Guess..fuzzy/short hair will have to wait.

11.See primary school friends: wah!! It’s been what 7 years!! NICK!! Hahaha.. saw jonah, matt, Barbara too =] Didn’t know Barbara worked at coles…all that time she was in the glen possibly the same time I was.. haha.. the shop I was at was also just two away from coles.. >.< small world indeed. best part of holidays.. *nod*

12. Watch movies on the first day they come out: yep .. both narnia and memiors of a geisha were good.. go see em..best part in both movies would have to be their musical score

*takes in a big breath* .. year 12.. bring it ON! >=[ hehe


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got so much done that you wanted to do. :D
Puts me to shame. :P

6:11 PM  

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