«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: the return | the fire| the fight

Thursday, January 19, 2006

the return | the fire| the fight

righto.. another intense day of my crazy week. firstly woke up and went off to billy hydes music junction once again. collecting frank.. bleh they said five weeks to service the instrument so i didn't wanna wait..needed it when school starts *sigh* turns out they did service amazing.. from five week wait (he said i was in a 500 instrument waiting line *hmm..suspicious*) and now he did it in one week? proves they take their time or they are just lazy. $170 >.< now i'm broke. *sigh* at least the mute mark and dents are all gone =] surprised they could actually be erased.. aww jasmine no memory mark on instrument of presentation night .hahaha

then straight to the cinema.. watched that Geisha film with indi, angel, sara.. well they were the pplz that showed up ..so bleh.. ya missed the free movie! [real broke now =.=] movie was good.. very artistically done i think. nice colour and cropping/framing of scenes.. the life of a geisha is kinda weird though..scary in fact.. movie went on bit too long.. gah..stared late and they didn't show us any previews.grr.. NO X3 preview!! aww..and i wanted to watch that on big screen.

20 mins left to go to bbq. went to safeway bought a cake.. mum drove us to bbq. well we were the 3rd group of pplz to arrive?? haha.. choice the old.really old..looked as if it was bought to collaspe blacked bbq next to the tea house. thank goodness someone remembered matches.. =]

1.5 hours later.. FIRE!! haha.. well we had sparks and then flames but it took one and a half hours to get it really going and sausages sizzling =] finally ya could smell em.. no thankz to you LAZY BOYS! grr.. didn't bring food, rocked up and expected food, didnt' help with fire.. grrr.

2.25? water fight started..but hmm.. yes..who was that buy?? krishna?? vidz?? one of them i guess. dang i got wet as well.. stupid andy. speaking of andy.. where did you hide quyen?? she showed up..all great ta see her.. hhaaha.. she had tuition so came late.. then she missed the food, didnt' eat.. went missing for an hour? came back and then said baibaiz.. bleh...

4.30 - i say baibai


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bloody boys. So useless i swear. But de water fight was good. No one paid attention to de cake sniff.oh Well hahah. So Useless we shud stick em in de bush nd see wat happens then. HAHAHHHA wat a site dat wud be

11:24 PM  
Blogger strawbee said...

gosh! you had a interesting day! (ah i wanna see memoirs of a geisha so much, as well as the producers! can't wait.)
sounds like the bbq was fun; especially starting a fire ^.-

9:30 PM  

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