«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: - seventeen -

Saturday, January 21, 2006

- seventeen -

Okay so to many I’m still a baby and extremely young.. but I feel old.. I don’t wanna be 17 and go back to school to do year 12. Isn’t there some way that I can just erase that year from my life? Gah.. I’m extremely lazy haha.. well yep I will be going back on the 31st and I guess I will just have ta do my best. No short cuts.

righto.. you might be wondering what i did on my b'day.. well to state it frankly.. not much ..nothing exciting. had work from 9-6pm -_-' sounds horrible.. but actually it was the fastest 9 hour shift that i have experienced. mainly because i was starring at the magic show in front of the information desk for an hour or so. woah!! i thought.. yer kiddy magic show entertainment.. i will know all the tricks haha.. (used to be obsessed with magic.. still am.. but.. i guess xmen made 'magic' shift down a couple of ranks ..lol) anyways.. HE WAS SO GOOD! there was this part where he made a bird.. yep a real life one pop out of no where! you can't stuff a bird into you tux sleeve. ammazzing .. well yep that was work. oh and calenders are now $5. maybe i should buy mine now hahaha

then at home.. didn't eat coz i kept stuffing myself with those addictive chicken flavoured biscuits at work. then .. finally i managed to get a lift to go to youth group. if ya dunnoz what that is. come along! hahah.. it's just hanging out with pplz at church and summer program has finished *feel so guilty i missed most of it* and we were discussing what we wanted to aim for this year... hmm.. i wanna see more pplz! *struggling to get through to you.. but just you wait! hahah* i really believe that 2006 is when God will open the eyes of those closest around me. Be infected !! hahaa...

and wat could a bday be without icecream cake =] i always have to have my maccas icecream cake..yummm .. weird though.yesterday was the first time it has every rained on my b'day.. *shrugs* i can deal with change.. but just give me my cake! hahaha..

thankz for the messages and prezzies =] ya really didn't have to get anything


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