«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: blast from past *part 3

Monday, January 16, 2006

blast from past *part 3

so.. today was busy busy.. first up ..church.. that was great =] missed them at youth on friday coz they all went to a summer camp soul survivor.. wellz most of them.

Then then, lunch and then tracy's b'day party =] first party in the holidays wo0T haha.. lots of fun ahaha.. imagine that 16 girls playing quidtich (not a harry potter fan so no idea how ta spell =P). We were riding ordinary brooms *sigh* and radz GO THE VACUUM cleanER! ahahha.. daring to be different. hopfully tracy would have posted up her photos..they gotta be hilarious.

So.. i was placed in Gryffindor and am well known for blowing up the potions classroom in 4th year. hmmph.. haha..

had to leave half way during party coz of tuition dammit. mum drove to springvale..yer.. mum is driving now! thankz for your prayers.. it's been six months after accident?? dunnoz. so she is slowing back behind the wheels now.

so methods, springvale, at jack's . blah.. so many people have heard bout him. maybe you guys reading my blog will too. saw sherry, steph m and maggie there during my session today. it's been a while since i talked to so many strangers.. ahhahha.. always the same question:

heyz i'm sandra what's your name? oh.. what skool? what subjects you do?
began to ask if anyone is doing art subjects.. NO ONE! well.. i'm shocked! at least the guy david behind me plays saxaphone haha..

2 hours later. most uncanny!! WEIRD! tuition finished and everyone fled so quickly. bleh last one to leave really. so talked to some more strangers

me: hi wat's your name?
her: i'm jennifer
me: oh..wat skool?
her: narzareth,noble park
me: *shocked* really wow i know that skool i used to go to st. Elizabeths..really close by
her: *shocked* you're sandra lee!
me: *mega shocked* (how in the world did she know that?) woah.how ya know?
her: you were the only sandra in our year level...i remember we used to all be jealous of you because you didn't have to eat the crust on your bread..
me: (bwahhaHAHAH.. me always know as the sandwich girl eh? ham sandwiches for recess and lunch every single day *sigh*) *strains to find mental picture of her in my memory*. say do you know ellie? (coz she kinda looked like her)
her: (did a face that looked like this -_-) I am ellie!

brain froze just then..last time i saw her she we were in year 3...woah.. weird. asked her why her name was ellie and jennifer but kinda didn't pay attention coz i couldn't believe that it was her.. after all this time too! guess all sorts of people go to tuitions these days, not only asians lol. hmm woah! on super high once again.

mum came to drive me back to tracy's haha.. dinner and more fun =]

>> home time


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