«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: for once.. i had a RANDOM DAY! =D

Thursday, December 22, 2005

for once.. i had a RANDOM DAY! =D

okay.. so what did i do today? woken up by the door bell by sister's friend and her brother. hmmz.. great.. now i have to get dressed.. it was 8.45am or something..no sleep in -_-'

decided to watch a movie.. Brothers Grimm.. =] yeah..i have an excuse to go movies.."mum, they wanna watch a movie, can i come too? i need to baby sit" bwhahah.. only problem was that i was the only one that wanted to watch it..and now the little kid is goina have nightmares coz of me.. gah.. his parents are goina kill me. *sob* but i liked the movie.. not as crap as you think =P

hmm.. i finished half the popcorn because no one ate it during movie. the combo came with dog tags, interesting..

after movie walked to kfc and bought some family meal, then started to walk all the way back. But right next door they were selling cheap stuff.. oh.. the MS family store.. walk in.. anime video. $1.50.. hmm buy.. hahha. at the counter they were selling knifes!! i wanted one.. only TWO dollars, i asked how sharp were they..but the lady didn't seem to know english.. blah. Maybe i will get it next time...

walking home and eating kfc wicked wings at the same time.. ate half the box lol..got sisters friend to hold rubbish.. hehe.. there was lots of flies swamming around her..hahhaha. Hmm..walking and eating at the same time.. they cancel each other out yer?? meaning.. no junkfood build up in body? lol.. dunnoz

then meant ta work today 3.30pm -10pm ..but when i arrived it turns out they didnt need me.. blah!! ..so hmm..decided to walk to grace's house. no phone call in advanced but gah..who cares, if they ain't home it was good excercise.

She was home! got her media stuff.. blah.. need to study.. didnt do year 11. Then walked over to melissa's house. HOUSE VISITING!!.. wah!! i love it... soo fun! her house is buy far the most interesting one i've seen this holidays. Invite me pplz! hahah..

Walked to glen ..treated grace to sushi.. gah.. i cannot believe i ate all the ginger once thinking it was ham! >< yuk

baibaiz to grace then, and only then i realised i left her media work at her place still -_-' not walking back to get it.. *sigh* waste of a day.. and now..in front of comp.


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