«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: Jetex - some monkey show

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Jetex - some monkey show

Usually, I don't watch tv on sundays coz they are so busy but just happened to turn on the tv the other day and I saw this weird animated show. At first i thought it was powerpuff girls because the drawing style of the characters seemed exactly the same. But then I saw this kid with five other robot monkey type things. Then I thought WAH!! They copied POWERRANGERS!! How dare they!

It plot was about this super massive robot which I think they live in and each monkey is in charge of a particular section e.g. the pink monkey is in charge of the legs and moves that part of the super robot.. now that is power ranger style. And the little kid is at the heart of the robot communicating to all the other robot things. Hmm.. isn’t that the spot of the black power ranger in the good old cartoons?

The powerpuff aspect besides the drawings would be when they fight and fly. When they fly up into their robot spots the monkeys create a rainbow behind them. Then when they fight the animation replicates the fight scenes of the three bug eyed girls ..

Meh…cartoons these days are lacking individuality. Wellz, Japanese cartoons are an exception..their story lines are soo RANDOM! Hahha.. guess that’s good.. watching one called ‘Ranma’ at the moment.. bout this guy who transforms into a girl when he is in contact with cold water..and he changes back into a guy when he is hit by cold water..hahaa..

>> last day of long weekend.

>> homework completed: nil


Anonymous Anonymous said...

as much as i hate to admit it, i watched 3 episodes of powerrangers once...

on cable, on saturday mornings, on FOX8 there are 3 episodes in a row. Each with a different kind of powerrangers... quite disgusting really.

in other news, methods exam on friday !!!11!!11!!! =\

9:00 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

nonono.. mr. anonymous.. powerrangers are awesome!! i just like the idea of making new shows based on old good ones.. ruining em

5:48 PM  

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