«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: what is with me and 9's !!!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

what is with me and 9's !!!

gah.. so fustrating.. every percent this semester has ended in a 9. and most of the marks are pretty dodgy like 49% 59% 79%. it's all i've been gettin lately.. bleh.. founding up 59% to 60 seems soo much better... gah.. at least i passed most of them ...hehe...

bleh.. what is happening of late... hmmm...

>> i wanna learn how to use photoshop properly.. all i know on that program is the paint bucket and paint brush tool really.. bleh.. and i can't be stuffed sitting through the tutorials at the moment. Been looking at people's artwork recently and WAH!! soo good!!.. especialy characters and humans... so realistic!! and to think that they did it all on computer... hmmm...

bored.. baiz


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