«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: Officially demolished...

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Officially demolished...

walking home the other day and witness the Boo Radley's house at the end of the crossing at the glen being demolished.. say corner of fairhills ...

Yep that house fitted the 'To Kill a Mocking Bird" book's description exactly!.. blah.. i wanted to use that house as a haunted one for a film..but bleh.. it's being knocked down. Just yesterday all that was left was dirt.

I wonder who was living in there. It looked like the inside had been burnt. Hmm.. wonder what is going to be there instead..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one's lived there for a long time. Well apparently some homeless kid... but aside from that, I think it was just trashed by randoms... a fire was lit there earlier this year?

7:02 PM  
Blogger - jaz. said...

hmm.. finally demolished, eh? maybe they'll put another dentist or doctor along springvale road. coz we need more of those.

12:22 AM  

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