«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: gah..monday's ain't my day..

Monday, October 10, 2005

gah..monday's ain't my day..

hmm.. despite the fact that there is only four days left until my vce oral exam.. =_= mondays are still not my day. walk into school, and it's freezing cold then trudge up to my locker...

*sigh.. second week of school.. *opening locker* hmm.. how odd.. it isn't opening!! GAH!! i forgot my locker combination for the SECOND time =[ geez.. i forgot the first number.. my goodness.. and i forgot where i actually wrote down the combination..

>> very bad start to the monday indeed.

chinese first up.. still clueless for the exam
methods..bleh double ..trying to figure out how you do tan(90+theta)= etc etc .. stupid complicated worksheet..
chem was no better =.= and i thought we would do this fun experiment.. all we had ta do was watch this gas fill the huge syringe.. borInnnG

> home time

> dentist.. braces still ain't coming off!!

> home once againz... stupid part of braces fell off. ...and that means a trip back to dentist

> some more waiting...

> bleh.. better do more preparation for chinese now...hmm...at least i didn't go to band..hehe =]


Blogger - jaz. said...

hey sandra.. you missed band! or rather, the band missed you! especially meeee!! o_0..

10:36 PM  

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