«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: Summers here??

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Summers here??

Well melbourne weather is crazy.. wahh.. so HOT today!! nice day for the last day of year 12..aww. goina miss em.. geez you never actually notice the year 12's until you get to year 11. haha.. the assembly was funny, although sittin there for AGES is not fun! Glad i had heaps of leg room ..hehehe..

Well wellz, random kung-foh (dunnoz how ta spell that) eh? lol.. so funny.. from where i was watching and with my crappy eyesight that looked terrific! hahaha.. was that a few naruto seals i saw happening ben? hehe.

How scary this year has gone by soo quickly!! sheesh.. next year we are all in year twelve nooo.. the homework.. but Yessss... last year of school =] sorta lookin forward to it i guess.

well today was rather boring and yer..my rabbit proof fence sac is post poned until friday.. hehe.. the second half that is. Maybe i should write up the essay so it will be easier for me.. hmm.. then againz i can't be bothered, that english teacher will give me a 'B' no matter what anyways -_-' meanie..

>> only say 11 more days of school left ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sad that the year 12's have finished. SOOO SAAADDD. they were an awsome bunch of year 12's. hmm not sure if we can beat them. Oh well we will just have to try. My gosh i was chattin to me sis n she says dat year 12 will fly by even faster than year 11. How sad is dat soon enough no more skool. N i will cry. I am already sad at the thought of it. *sniff*

10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree...


the thing is that u shouldn't focus on teh negatives ey??? :D BE HAPPY .its too easy to get sucked into the sad things :):):)

3:04 AM  

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