«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: living under a vail..or in a plastic bubble..

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

living under a vail..or in a plastic bubble..

hahahha.. i think i'm a fair actor don't you?? wellz.. okay maybe not actor because i can't remembers lines for anything but i'm good at pretending hehee..

Comments today...wellz the bits that i could remember XD:

michelle: " you would never think sandra is so deceptive" ...bwahaha...got that right =] lol

claire: "it's because she is so quiet.." ...me quiet?? hehehe.. really?

taha: (after he realised i didn't do anything for vcd project and it was kinda due in today) "but you like finish every project the next day and get one hundred percent"
me: *haha* serious? since when..
taha: since primary school..

hahaha..wellz if ya know me everything is left ta the last minute.. *sigh.. really bad. So that means yep i'm cramming for general test for tomorrow.. only done one excercise outta that whole entire chapter >.< gah..that's so annoying because i can't remember everything in time for the test but afterwards the stuff slowly starts to sink in.. take chinese oral for example..couldn't remember anything on the day.. but half my speech is in my head now!! and it's uSELess NoW!!! -_-'

lesson learnt: cram for exams and test a week before.. that way stuff will sink in


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