«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: "molly and the magic walking stick"

Thursday, October 27, 2005

"molly and the magic walking stick"

today i had two tests.. chem and methods analysis.. =.=' how interesting.. NOT! so sitting in first period english not really paying attention to the english orals, trying to memorise the chem molar volume of hydrogen prac...bleh.. but then it was ben's speech..

bwwhahaHAHAHA!! the most funniest story i've heard in a while.. he was going to give a speech about aboriginals and racism i think.. but he said he was really bored so he decided to make up his own story of 'rabbit proof fence' using images from the movie and all on his powerpoint presentation.

hahaha.. i will sum up what i remember:
  1. molly + family = happy
  2. molly got taken away to moore river camp
  3. she saw 'harry potter' in the camp and stole his magic walking stick lol
  4. the walking stick is for walking so she decided to walk.. and was happy
  5. she got hungry and chased llamas in the desert but everytime she hit them with the stick they turned into chicken.!! ahaha.. what hilarious images
  6. then she was happy because she knew it was a magic walking stick

  7. molly said there must be a faster way to get home to mother so she conjured up a russian army tank with the magic walking stick and drove home.
  8. (somewhere along the lines of ben's most random story)...molly turned the fence into a massive marshmellow which the rabbits hated
  9. rabbits at night can shot fire our of their eyes and mouths
  10. rabbits made an alliance with the aboriginals to take out the white people
And that's when i was laughing with disbelieve at his english oral..ahahhaa..

on the side>> methods test was NOT easy.. i dunno how to interpret worded questions =[


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