«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: Hardcore chinese teacher...

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Hardcore chinese teacher...

Hmmz.. yes.. sister came home complaining how she has homework from the student teacher..haha.. from the chinese student teacher. Wellz, comparing that to Mr. Yang who doesnt give her any homework yer.. i see why she is complaining. but the ironic thing was that the chinese teacher was european!!

EUROPEAN!!.. wow.. i'm asian and finding it impossible to concerntrate on studying for year 12 chinese for TWO MinUTes! amazing, that student teacher must have put a whopping amount of time into learning the language.

I've giving up..bleh, sounds shocking i know.... 16days until exam and they cut the lote exams done to two hours instead of three. blah, that's one hour of looking up words in the dictionary gONe. =_= *sigh.. at least i have five other vce subjects to rely on next year =D


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