«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: aRgh.. i HATE YOU.. you STUpid nuMbers!!

Monday, September 12, 2005

aRgh.. i HATE YOU.. you STUpid nuMbers!!

i don't like m a t h s.... let's just put it that way. Stupid application.. i thought i could actually pass but since i found out i just did the most stupid mistake ever i probably failed.

volume of cylinder is = πr2h but noo i had to write πr3h ..ARGH..i'm so stupid!! !@ # $?!*^
my goodness..and half the test was basically using the value you obtained from that formula.. gRR!! just that one STUPID little number.. and it screwed up the test.. gARH...

i guess it won't be soo bad since you can learn from ya mistakes but this is THE SECOND TIME i've done that same mistake.. i just copied the values from my general summary sheet.. which was wrong.. and i also did this mistake on the general measurement test.. but ARGH.. no my brain neurons didn't recall.. stupid stupid stupid. doing that same stupid mistake TWICE.. which makes the feeling of regret ten times worse -_-'
hmm..lets see..what else was annoying today lol this blog seems to be one full of complaints..
i dislike this random detentions i'm gettin!! GAH.. it won't be so bad if it was private study but noo you have to read this silly article and analyse. grr.. i had lots of chem hw i was planning to copy of pplz.. haha
hmm..and stupid braces.. and dentist.. hmm..was meant ta get em off today...but somehow the braces instead of making my teeth straight it made a gap between my two front teeth. agh...i never wanted them in the first place


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh bad luck matey...but hey...tats wat consequential marks r for xD Go the consequentials! w00t.

And I thought now, wit the whole detention thing, you could ask if you could do private study instead and they should let u...should...stree SHOULD...oh wellz


5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yarrr *said like a pirate*
*coughs* But yes, you probably won't fail. As long as all your working is good, you'll only lose 1 mark for each question using that value maybe?
G'luck though ^.^
~ Michelle

4:51 PM  

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