«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: my my my...methods analysis

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

my my my...methods analysis

gah.. didn't do any homework yesterday, so stuffed. went ta get glasses changed cause stuff is gettin blurry againz =P so didn't get home around 7pm..then dinner.. shower and it was already 9pm. Geez.. had to wash all this stuff for mum too and answer all these telephone calls. my goodness those pplz that call at 11.30pm sTop IT! that new cordless phone we got has the most annoying ring tone that i reckon is 1000 decibles..(can't spell but you get the idea)

-_-' planned to wake up early do methods studying.. didn't.. woke up at 7.30 instead *sigh.. guess i can't wake up early in mornings anymore. Ah wellz.. still chinese class and lunchtime to make summary sheets in ^_^

Yesterday the english part A informative thingo was due.. i never did it. and AGH! what is with that teacher and giving out detentions as if she was breathing. You even get it if you are two seconds late ta form assembly.. gosh.. everyone's detentions in our class have been piling up.. since we missed one or something.. and got another one on top of it.. *rolls eyes.. no one goes to them.

So i had to finish my informative in class.. gosh never knew xmen was THAT much of a life saver. Just wrote about Rogue off the top of my head for two minutes seriously i didn't care... as long as i handed something in.. grr.. i thought it was of a D standard..

here was the piece:

statement of intention: In the form of a brief essay the piece is written for people of any age who aren't familar with the comic Xmen. It is to inform them of the comic and the history behind the character Rogue.

Stan Lee is a big contributor to the Mavel comics industry. Many of his creations have moved from the comics to films such as Spiderman, The Incredible Hulk and Xmen. The latest to come is X3, the third film based on the Xmen.

The Xmen is basically a group of mutants that have unique DNA contributing to their special abilities who are outcasts in society. While some mutants are battling to be accepted in society there are others with evil intentions that don't seek harmony.

One of the most complicated and interesting character would have to be 'Rogue'. Her past is shrouded with mystery to the extent that readres don't even know her real name. She is introduced as the character who has run away from home confused about how she left her boyfriend in a coma just by the slightest physical contact. In her case, he power or ability is to temporary absorb other mutants abilities and use them as well as fragments of their past just by a single touch. In the case of humans, she is able to knock them out because their DNA hasn't yet evolved up to the mutant standards. At this stage Rogue doesn't know it but if she holds on to someone for too long she is able to kill them. Believing she is cursed rather than gifted she fled not knowing where to turn.

In her puzzled state, the mutant shape shifter Mystique saw her as a valueable weapon and took her in. Rogue realising she isn't the only one with these unique powers she accepted her as a mother blind to her evil intentions. Mystique is the leader of the Brotherhood the group which doesn't seek harmony in society but strength. She beings to train Rogue in how to control the use of other mutants abilities she steal. Her training was leading up to her big project of stealing the healpful hero Marvel Girl's superpowers. Rogue wasn't sure why she was doing this and she had her conscience kicking in telling her it was the wrong thing to do. However, Mystque refuses to give up and demands her to hold on as long as possible. As a result, Rogue permanently absorbes Marvel Girl's talents, obtaining flight and bulletproofness. Having finally realised the Mystique didn't love her but her soul-stealing abilities instead, she fled a second time.

The character Charles Xavier is the founder of the affliation xmen who wants to protect these gifted young mutatns bringing them up in a safe environment in their changing world. Being a telepath he locates Rogue and to make a long story short (haha.. i couldnt be bothered doing anymore) he convinces their are good mutants in the world persuading her to join.

The journey of the lonely teenager conce bandit and rebel slowly begins to live with her curse and use it for good. Everyday is an adventure for the Xmen. Everyday is a new beginning. .

>>bleh.. after typing it i've realized i've got soo many mistakes.. and she gave me 9.5/10
LIKE WHAT THE!!? so when i spend 3 hours on a essay i get Bs and more Bs.. but this two minute piece of what ever is on the top of my head.. an A+??? -_-' . ..sometimes she just doesn't make sense


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah I heard about the whole detention thing, tho it doesnt seem to be happening with our class strangely enuff...there are the few random detentions she throws around from time to time but meh...it happens.

But meh...she cancelled our class's trip to a restuarant..pffft...so much for that...she can be quite 'odd' at times but she's a new teacher...meh..

waaa nice...9.5/10...tats great...considering you got hayley as ur english teacher...tis rare for her to give such a high mark to..well..anyone, then again..this is only for practice. Good luck on the real thing...

6:14 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

heyz...ahah yeah.. someone posted..

ermz..you got to on on an EXCURSION!! woah.. even if she cancelled it..she intended to take your class..grr.. she favours pplz.. *angry eyes >=[

6:57 PM  

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