«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: two player tetris XD

Saturday, September 10, 2005

two player tetris XD

haha.. who would have though tetris was such an addictive game.. neways yesterday..friday.. was a good day. Due to the production on thursday i could come to skool at recess ^-^ that means only a TWO CLASS day!! haha... hmm..speaking of the production on thursday.. there was this tv star famous person there.. but i dunno her name >.< haha..

So, went to skool wif sis and neighbours because i can't be stuffed walking up myself..hehe lazy me. how i do miss going to skool at 9AM everyday!! 8.10 start is just way early..the sun isn't up half the time -_-' but today was soo NICE!! SUNNY AND WARM!.. wat an excellent morning. Grr.. the year 7, 8, 9 and 10's dunno how lucky they are.

So so.. got to skool, skipped chem class entirely.. hmm..copy of notes off someone. So, english couldn't be stuffed attending class bleh.. so instead i had a one to one lesson with the science student teacher... it was productive but i've just realised i know absoultely NUFFIN about redox numbers, oxidation and all that stuff. ah wellz.. just more practise with chem equations -_-'

VCD free.. spent that time playing tetris against monica and nat. lol

double general..the only class i attended.. so BORING!.. -_-' that analysis test is way stupid.. we have to justify why answers are wrong but it's basically mutiple choice... those are the questions i just guess =[ hmm..cosmin got moved that sit next to me.. bleh.. HE is so SMART! but i guess he is just lazy too. spend the next 30 mins or so versing him in two player tetris. haha..

home time ...late b'day surprise for esther a success..hahaa.. she thought it was a surprise for vidhiya instead lol.


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