«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: first time..

Sunday, September 04, 2005

first time..

gosh there's a first time for everything eh? father's day today.. and i had to clean the toilet!

BLeh.. no fancy lunch for me.. just a drive through at macca's hehe.. HAPpy Meal.. ermz.. then production band rehearsal until 7pm.. wellz that's what the sheet said and i'm GLAd it didn't go for that long. phew.. i would have collasped from starvation and overdose of lollies.. hehe..production band and lollies.. thankz for the snakes pplz!! hehe..

Luke had this snazzy microphone thingo for recording stuff straight onto his Mp3..(me not up ta date with technology) and he recorded the music we played.. it's sounding GREAT guys.. hehe.. we are pulling it off.. ermz.. wellz .maybe you guys are just pro.. >.< i still am missing half my cues.. the stuff on stage is soo interesting..

The two main characters at some point of the show tap dance on WATER!! haha.. be there come come and get tickets and watch!! ..that was awesome.. hmm.. that's probably when i missed all of my cues for that song.. hahaa.. yes.. i said water.. water is going to be on the stage!! also a bubble machine.. hehe. i wanna dance on water!

So so.. back to me first time.. bleh.. cLEANing the toilet..!! smells.. ....very...baD. -_-' dunno if you have to clean stuff. but it's not enjoyable. besides the smell it's probably better than cleaning my skool jumper.. ya say why? well i have to hand wash my stuff. ..and that wollen gwsc jumper once soaked in water weighs a tonne! yes.. i'm weakk.. but IT is HEAvY!!! -_-' that's half of my sunday gone.. nowz.. METHODS TEST TOMORROW!!

-_-' hopefully i won't have to do it after skool..haven't even started studying combinatorics or rates of change.. but at least i miss it due to production matinee performance tomorrow..soo please pplz tell me wat's on the analysis test!! i don't wanna fail againz.. =[


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