«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: it's over!!! =/

Saturday, September 10, 2005

it's over!!! =/

aww.. last night of production 'my one and only'.. whoever came down ta watch it tonight got to see an encore performance of 'kicking the clouds away' scene... it was awesome!! finally everyone was familiar with their parts.. wellz. i know it took me a while haha.. and we enjoyed it heaps.. everything worked.. bubbles, car, wellz.. the microphones where a bit weird but.. it was all good..

matinee..break.. went ta resturant with jenny and angel... first time eating Korean. hmm.. the waiter had to actually go up to as and show us what we were meant ta do with the food.. turns out you were meant to mix the veggies with the sauce and rice. haha.. we just sat their staring at it. =] Nice. very filling...and spicy..

Evening.. lots of lollies this time ^_^ So full.. but also musst eat lollies... hehe..

Gosh... that was saturday.. only sunday left ta do ALL my homework.. study for methods APPLICATION!! and basically finish all my VCD drawings so i can scan them into the computer.. man i'm really behind.. wait.. i also had chem homework from two weeks ago to complete.. and the ACid baSe test.. -__-'

need.. sleeep...


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