«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: you are 'MY' one and only...

Thursday, September 08, 2005

you are 'MY' one and only...

yesterday's show was the BEST!! everything worked.. hehe.. ya gotta love that water scene and car scene. Yep the primary school kids and the tuesday people missed out on seeing that awesome anique car working. It was very good and reason being .. the audience was awesome.

Mostly year 11's yesterday. They actually laughed and clapped.. hehe.. more lively hall.
Nice to see they noticed the music and commented.... hmm.. mr bramble said we were "fully sick".. riigghtt...

hmm..speaking of production there is two perfomances on sat. The matinee would finish around 5pm.. and i have nothing ta do until the evening show at 7.30pm so that is what two hour break.. not long enough for me to walk home and back and do something.. so i was planning to stay not IN schooll. .but glen..hang around somewhere lol.. Soo.. WHO's up for DINNer?? tell me... otherwise i'll be bored to death..


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