«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: hmm..youth allowance

Sunday, September 11, 2005

hmm..youth allowance

got application form for youth allowance..wonder if i can get it.. the last time i applied they turned it down =[ ..but since circumstances change maybe i can receive it heehe.. wish i was finanically wealthy.. that would be awesome.. i would actually have some cash ta manage haha..

hmm.. method application up tomorrow.. i'm guessing this time i won't be able to get answers off other pplz since we are like what.. the second class to do it =[ heard it was really long and complex.. oh dear... still yet to study..

> stuff i was meant ta do on weekend

--- chem homework all those redox things and pracs (haven't started)
--- chem study for acid base test (...shoot)
--- eat at a new resturant.. (did that ^^ )
--- play all the correct notes in the production music (wellz.. close enough.. )
---study all the chapters for methods apps.. (haven't started)
--- watch X2 agains for my english sac informative (argh.. i havent done that either)
---finish all VCD drawings so i can scan them in tomorrow at skool and finally start website (so doomed.. not one picture finished)
--- chinese.. researched something.. (that is probably most important but on the last of my things ta do list ...aww.. so screwed)

hmm.. so if i sleep at 12AM then i only have 3 and a half hours to do ALL that homework -_-'


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