so second day i visited Banff and Lake Loiuse, brilliant!

finally got the pic, with the flag flapping the right direction =P

rocky mountains

at Lake Louise and WOAHLA! what is this?!?!
i stumble across a film set!!! yay!! finally my first time on a real movie set action.
they were filming the opening sequence of "When Angels Sing" of kids iceskating.
it's a xmas movie to be realised next year
the rest of the movie is going to be filmed in Texas =]
got to talk to some of the film crew..soo coool

lol me in the same jacket you will be seeing for the next few days =P

the little bit of the lake that wasn't frozen over

the extremely pretty hotel next to the lake

every light was different 0_0

my fav shoot of the day.
looked better in real life though.

wheee sled rides

ice sculptures.

street view

Banff Falls (yes the waterfall was mostly frozen over =P)

a fancy hotel!

the ice explorer i would have went on if it was open=.=" to explore down to the glaciers

few days ago i went skiing at olympic park
$51 the whole day, including rental + lift ticket + lesson
met a manager at telstra melbourne branch in my ski class, interesting eh?
til next time guys ! =]
Labels: canada, feature, film, holidays, rocky mountains, ski, spring break
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