SPRING BREAK - Death Valley | Grand Canyon | VEGAS!
okay, so im breaking down the posts because there are too many photos for the short attention spanned hyperlink generation. =P
PART 1 - This is Day1 and 2 of our bus tour, destination Death Valley, Las Vegas.
PART 2 - Grand Canyon
PART 3 - Vegassssss
so we joined a gotobus tour, eight people in total from IHouse, AWESOME eh?!?! managed to convince 7 people to come with me bwhahahhaa.
anywho, when we got to the meeting place at an insanely early hour of 7.30am, it dawned on us that the tour was run by asians. =.=" lol. and mandarin was spoken left right and centre. but the tour guide, translated stuff yay =] so all was good.
6.10AM left IHouse soo tired.
haha i drove the bus =P when the driver wasn't there
the crew !
lol this is a no carbs burger i.e. no bread haahah
lewl, we didn't even ride greyhound, but it was the bus next to ours =P
the view from the front of bus
my fellow australians

PART 1 - This is Day1 and 2 of our bus tour, destination Death Valley, Las Vegas.
PART 2 - Grand Canyon
PART 3 - Vegassssss
so we joined a gotobus tour, eight people in total from IHouse, AWESOME eh?!?! managed to convince 7 people to come with me bwhahahhaa.

the familar view on the road
crossing the border into nevada, vegas!
mexican for dinner
my korean friend
our lovely first nights stay with fridge, wifi, microwave, pool, and FREE breakfast

pretty eh? the landscape looks so photoshop'd

whee i'm a tiny star^^
we arrived at Badwater, below sealevel, the place is covered in salt!
Labels: death valley, holidays, spring break
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