day in the life of berkeley..
so pretty eh?!?!
so i'm back. and its soo sunny outside
a neat 26 degrees today. time to wip out the sunnies. walking down to class after awesome lunches at ihouse of which i dont have to cook or clean, a downhill trot. "hey sandra" here and there from friends is quite pleasant and surprising. i always look at the footpath (sidewalk as they call it) when i walk, so when this massive arm comes waving in my face, smash.
walking past sproul plaza would be equivalent of walking past south lawn at melb uni, except there is a huge buzz of activity. its student election times and mainstream pop *cough junk* music is blasting in the background, people are dancing and carrying vote for "x" signs.tables are set out every morning as if every week is o-week at berkeley.
walked past the a capella groups singing lovely melodies and harmonies as usual.
sitting in the shade outside doing readings til class start
it was someone's birthday today in class, so he rocked up late and in his birthday suit. hmm.. he's a funny one. lecturer allows it and he sits up the back.
i can really do with some yoghurtland right now. hmmm...american version of healthy icecream smashed with lollies.. yuuuuuum
mid term results so far
history of film: 96%, essays
25/25, mcq 2 errors =.="
musical paper: A
anime paper: A interesting
hopefully the generous marks from professors continue. ^^
to be blogged_
drumheller - canada
pixar field trip of AWESOMENESS =P
epic marks lol
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