Canada downtown
everywhere is covered in snoww!!
a nice warm meal to start the negative 4 degree day ( that's celcius you americans =P)
the calgary tower! like our eureka, but smaller and we didn't go up because we would have just paid to see fog =P
street view
all cars look like this, if not more dirty, from the spashing of mud and snow
first stop downtown = Glenbow museum!!
the museum was MASSIVE! four levels and touch screen elevator =P
sooo much to see, yay austrailan opral!
an exhibit about politics, i didn't get it, but it was pretty, the desk was on the ceiling and upside down, like the original and best willy wonka chocolate factory movie
friendly transit
inside the main shopping centre.
the entire CBD is connected via skywalks! so its like a mini maze that tunnels above and cuts through all the buildings (that aren't heritage)
the entire CBD is connected via skywalks! so its like a mini maze that tunnels above and cuts through all the buildings (that aren't heritage)
it's beacuse its so cold, so people stay indoors as much as they can.
Labels: art, canada, feature, museum, spring break
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