«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: X is for...

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

X is for...

>>>> XMEN !!!!

hehe..yer.. whoever stops by would have probably seen this one coming..
like..vincent haha.. ^^ yay . a blog reader ..oh and yan =P hahaa

neways.. this was interesting. *click* Mike Russell explaining X3 movie
...in ya spare time take a look^^

best thing i like bout xmen is the MUTANTS! bwahaha.. ehehe..identity and misfits..responsiblity...power..thoughts..society...imagination.
all of which are so interesting and all rolled into the one comic. hehhee..

stan lee = genius

hmm.. are we related? lol.

Yep.. i drive like kurt



Blogger Hayashi said...

Now I know what to get someone for their birthday ;)

8:30 PM  

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