«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: O is for Overload...

Monday, July 23, 2007

O is for Overload...

aRGH!! holidays are OVER!! *sob*

but timetable finalised ^-^
happy happy
hehe.. manipulated it to fit my stuff in "well" hopefully.
late finish wed, so late start thurs ^^
hmm.. and every 2nd week late start friday 2pm ^^
since there is no prac.. and i can crash different lecture stream
only problem is that this times lecture's are different for the two chem streams
noo -_-"
hmm. also every 2nd week 4 hour break or was it three forgot haha...
time for movie ^^ and radio work hehe

monday.. hmmm...
was actually okay ^^
except the fact that i forgot the key so had to bump until sister got back from school
just chem and bio today
no labs.

nice to see people again

im off.
must practise ma music


Blogger Hayashi said...

haha yes! i've forgotten my keys once as well!

after that, never again ^^

5:59 PM  
Blogger msquyenho said...

Hi Sandra, I saw you on the train this morning. I was stalking you. You never saw me since I was sitting right next to you...>__>

hehehe nah I had a good ol' catch up talk with you! I'm hoping your first day back went well, not too stressful I hope. Goodluck for the rest of the semester!

8:55 PM  

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