«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: R is for random

Saturday, July 28, 2007

R is for random

"..haha that's so random.."
"..yer ..like dice.."

i wouldn't have thought of that reply so quickly nick =P

ya... that's me .. totally random haha.. and so is this blog.. err.. yer.. more like random ranting hahaa..

Also it's the title of my first post haha.. made in 04 wow.. ages ago. take a look? lol ..probably the post with the most comments too =.=' so sad hahhaa..


it's a saturday..after the first week of uni.. and im greatly looking forward to the holidays ^-^ yer.. lol..

must do all my homework and summaries today... coz tomorrow is overloaded... church in morning, party at lunch, surin foundation dinner in the evening..bleh.. dont think i can squish in the simpsons movie =P But a friend okay ..random i talked to on the train rated it 7/10.. so.. yer..that should be quite good ^^

other comments regarding simpsons:

"...it was funny...but nothing that fantastic compared to the episodes"

"... i kept expecting an ad ..." hahaha. we are too used to it on the tv

"...it was too long.. you see our concentration only lasts 30 mins which is around the length of one episode and now it's for times as long..."
SPOILER >> "..it's to be continued.." gezz.. thanks ..that wrecked it. =P but im still goina watch it sometime.

OH! last thursday during my four hour uni break i visited PIXAR: 20 years of animation exhibition down at AMCI . it was sooo awesome!!
The whole design process has been laid out..and heaps and heaps!! of drawings.. pastel, oil on canvas, charcoal and acrylic art works. wow.. the transformation the characters took before it looked like them were nuts.

The people are SUCH GOOD ARTISTS!! woahh.. most of the exhibit was emphasising the character, world, story, models etc.. not so much the computer part of the animations. but yer.. wow.. visit if ya have time

Ah.. on the left was on of the concept collages of Edna from the incredibles. ahh.. the stuff was so awesome ^^ ..

link to how they make their movies summary -

Fav artist there: Dan Lee .. so sad he's passed away from cancer ..age. 35 :(

i will be reporting bout the exhibit and interview ACMI's senior curator for WED morning's panorama news program on SYN.. hehe. tune in and listen? lol....yer..dang.. i wish i had more time for the story.. i would go to the efforts of gettin steve gordon on the line. .even though he aint related to pixar.. but come on!.. animation.. and coming up with the character design for ALL the xmen evo cast WOAH! accomplishment.

Anyways.. despite the hectic-ness of everything..education, family, friends, music, movies, radio, health tv, lack of sleep, driving, commitments, deadlines... i've never been content for such long period of time. lol.. living for the moment ^^

things to do >>

design a tree house
go door knocking.. sponsor me..help the community in Laos!! 40 hour famine
make a costume
buy folders and excerise books.. haha... study. XD
play guitar
write to JeeWee
fav. pic of the week


Blogger Hayashi said...

i sponsored you! :D

7:05 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...


4:33 PM  

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