«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: P is for Prank!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

P is for Prank!

hahhaa. practical jokes are the best.

I never liked to read but one thing i used to read was joke books. Lots and lots... never almost the lot of the corny punch lines stuff..

Into pranks and tricks i guess..

then it kinda died down in year 8.


but recently MSN hahha!! you can get the most hilarious convos...
partly because someone thinks you are someone else...
chat away.
i didnt realise till 5 mins into convo

then bluffin is fun ^^


It's been a while since i pulled a big prank. hmm.. i cant remember the last one i did. Probably a phone conversation with Grace and Nargena. ahh. .good old days.. phone pranks hahaha..

bleh uni.
an update >>doodling in bio lecture =.='

i finish at 12pm mon, tues, wed, fri, this weeek. YES!!!!
too bad it's only this week =.='
no tut or prac first week =]

OH! TRANSFORMERS is REALLY GOOD! i finally watched it today ..haha. kicked harry pothead's butt! hahhaa... i dont ever remember me smiling in a movie with the thought "wow this is so good..and so worth watching...the directing is magnificent.." etc etc. OKay...so it just JUST topped X2 =P.


Blogger Hayashi said...

ho ho i shall emerge victorious in the battle of who ends earlier next week :)

didn't i tell you that transformers was good? the jokes are hilarious! :D

12:44 AM  

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