«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: Q is for Question

Friday, July 27, 2007

Q is for Question

Bleh everything is always full of questions and no answers.

well.. if you get answers usually they take a while to be discovered or able to be understood by my tiny brain. Ah wells.. that's what uni does to you anyways. Not to mention the standards of modern society.

Dang.. full of questions. Then again nobody generally stops and think about them. Too busy wrapped up in our own lives to worry about others. Society's becoming so self centered even if they don't advertise it in such a way.

e.g. those motivation/success seminar things they give to children. it's all YOU yOU yOU. =.=' To find inspiration from yourself..? err.. i dont think so. think outside the circle!! (haha. fine square if you insist =P )

or fund raising to boost up a company's profile. etc. etc.

Internet hahaha.. so dodgy sometimes. all those ads that appear on the sides of websites but this one was really scary..

ZOMG!! what have they done to BARBIE?? that random doll kids play with.


err.. i never did play with barbie dolls but i dont remember it to be caked with make up and.. and.. clothes adults would wear to err..cocktail parties?
wasnt it just some plain doll with a tutu??

i fear for the social context / environment kids these days are being brought up with

Anyways... i better get back to nutting out chem questions.
*closes window and freaky barbie* ><
I'm surprised they had spiderman figurers and everything marvel like hulk and stuff.. but when XMEN came out they never did a big figurine thing for it.. dammit.. =.='


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