«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: once again..

Sunday, May 06, 2007

once again..

im not doing work -_+


this weekend i discovered the following

...Monastery Close is ridiculously hard to find
... it's so easy to speed or to go too slow..
... my hair is long enough to tie up
...Singstar king: Peter
...Singstar Queen: Quyen
... i met another sandra
...mother's day is next sun 0_0
... as long as my parents are alive i'm not allowed to move out -_____-
... naruto is boring
... chicken nuggets are still the best snack ever =]

in the meantime... bleh..first assignment back. H3... which is at most 69%.. such a failure.. -_-"
ah wellz.. ya just have ta pass ^^ hehehee..

hmm..might as well sleep early =P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why aren't you allowed to move out?

8:19 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

ahh.. over protective parents? or over loving.. it's got ta be one of those ><

4:07 PM  

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