«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: public transport

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

public transport

hmm. 6 weeks into uni life??
something like that..

my complaining and whinning regarding this matter has died down.. simply because it bores everyone around me and no matter how hard i complain or scrunch up my face like Hiro Nakamura they just won't speed up..

bleh.. train broke down at parliament -__-

three trains in a row delayed =_="

lalaa.. at least humour makes the trip interesting...

tram ride today:
the driver talked! ..nicelY!!..almost too..nicely XD

"would the people please move towards the middle of the tram and increase your chances of meeting someone new"
hmm..never thought of it that way =P

" would people that are standing please hold onto something firm, you dont want to get knocked around and then grab onto something firm yet squishy"
=/ lol. got everyone laughing.. bleh..6.15pm ends are such a downer.

"In case you thought this is an automatic voice over , it's not"
...right.... 0.0
and somewhere along the way.. from uni ta station he purposely jerked the tram..so people ended up knocking into each other..



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