«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: it's just...soooo....ugh.. -____-

Monday, April 30, 2007

it's just...soooo....ugh.. -____-

i have to cram everything...

dang.. still in the process of learning to obtain time-management skills..

doubt i will ever get that in my lifetime =.=


i woke up too early today >.< ahh.. -_____-" flicked on clock..oh.. 6.34am ..that's okay.. i need to get to station at 8am.. hmm.. wake up ..shower .. eat..that's cooll..

lalalala... everything is so blurry.... goes into bathroom..wahh...why is it pitch black?? 0.o.. watever.. turn on the lights.. hmm..some time later.. it's still pitch black.. what's up?

looks at kitchen clock.. WOAH!! 6.10AM!! ARGH.. the torch clock thingy wasn't set to daylight saving. -________-" no wonder it's pitch black..bleh.. cant sleep..so i went walking around the neighbourhood..

hands. frozen.. goes to open bio. book -_____-" time goes soo slowly on a monday morning..

what i did before my 1pm start today..

..walked around the block
.. watched half of the sunrise
..studied half of chapter 14 bio.. stupid plant reproductive system
..went to Monash uni.. to borrow books.. caught up with Aaron, Melissa, Angel, Rachael, Tracy, ..Vanessa, Danielle ^^
.. went over to Grace's house..haha..soorry for waking you up =P.. hehe...
.. met up with Yan .. bleh train cancelled.. off to bread top we go =] fooodd..
.. caught train with Yan, Lanelle, and.. ahh!! im so sorry forgot ya name =[ someone that also went to glenny
.. stopped off at RMIT library to borrow books
.. spent one hour doing chem pre-lab work and homework modules

hmm.. i wonder if it's worth waking up earlier @.@ .. what do you think?


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